
A Detailed Guide on How to Apply for Google Scholarships 2024

Google Scholarships fosters education, supports aspiring students, and creates opportunities for students Globally!

by Khurram Shahzad
Google scholarships

Google Scholarships fosters education, supports aspiring students and creates opportunities for students so they pursue their academic goals in computer science and technology. So, if you are passionate about computer sciences, and technology but unable to meet the educational expenses, then Google scholarships are your ultimate savior.

google scholarships for international students

Google offers seven prestigious Google scholarship programs for certain underrepresented groups; students with disabilities, United States veterans, and women in computer sciences and for those who are passionate about computer sciences and technology.

So, you must be wondering how to get a Google Scholarship.

Well, it’s simple; continue reading, and all your answers will be entertained.

Within this blog, we will provide you with a detailed analysis of the seven Google scholarships along with their eligibility criteria, application process, terms and conditions, amount, and deadline.   Moreover, we will help you with effective tips and strategies to make a win-win situation. So, let’s get started.

In this blog, we will cover the following topics:

google scholarships how to apply


7 Google Scholarship Programs

Generation Google Scholarship (APAC): Women in Computer Science

generation google scholarships

Generation Google Scholarship (APAC) is a robust scholarship for women who are obtaining their degrees in computer sciences. This scholarship will be awarded to those students who will prove themselves in the areas of diversity, equity, academic performance, leadership, and inclusion. The application process will open in early 2024, amounting to USD 2500 and it applies to Asian Pacific regions. The administrator of APAC is the Institute of International Education (IIE).  So, women who meet the minimum qualification must apply, and Pakistani students are eligible to apply. However, past recipients who have already applied to their previous scholarship programs are no longer eligible to reapply.

Now, let’s look into the eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be enrolled as full-time second or third-year undergraduate students at an accredited university for the academic year 2023-24.
  • Applicants must pursue their full-time bachelor’s program, to complete it
  • Applicants must be studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field.
  • Holds a strong academic record.
  • Set an example for under-representative groups in computer sciences and technology by demonstrating leadership and passionate qualities.

 Application Process

  • General Personal Information: you need to fill in an application online form that includes your personal information, contact information, and details about your specialized degree and institution details.
  • Resume/ CV: you need to attach your CV/ resume
  • Academic Transcripts: get hold of academic transcripts from your current institution. Make sure to attach the most current transcript.
  • Short Answer Essay Questions: You need to answer two short essay questions 500 words each. These questions are intended to evaluate your problem-solving skills, and your obligation to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Let’s look into the 2 questions:
    1. Tell me about a time when you faced a complex problem without a clear path to a solution. Describe the steps you took to get to the solution in detail. What resources and solutions did you consider? What did you learn from this experience? Keep in mind that this can be a problem you have faced at school, work, extracurricular activities, or home.
    2. From your personal experience, describe a barrier that prevents equitable access to the field of technology. What do you believe is the root cause? What actions have you taken to address this inequity and what actions do you plan to take? Please focus at least half of your response on the actions you have taken. Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales.

Generation Google Scholarship (North America)

generation google scholarships north america

Generation Google Scholarship (North America) is another outstanding scholarship program by the Institute of International Education (IIE). It is only applicable to US and Canadian students, so US students will receive a scholarship amount of 10,000 USD and 5000 USD to Canadian students. Applications will open in early 2024. Moreover, their application process and eligibility criteria are similar to Generation Google Scholarship (APAC) as the administrator is the same.

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA): Women in Computer Science

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA) Women in Computer Science

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA) is another marvelous scholarship program for women who plan to excel in computer sciences but face monetary issues. This scholarship program is meant to encourage women to pursue computer science degrees globally. So, Pakistani women students in computer sciences are eligible to apply. Therefore, they will be awarded with a 7000 EUR award or local equivalent for the 2024-25 academic year. The application process and eligibility criteria are similar to Generation Google Scholarship (APAC) as the administrator is the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA): For Women in Computer Science in Ireland

Generation Google Scholarship (EMEA) For Women in Computer Science in Ireland

Generation Google Scholarship: For Women in Computer Science in Ireland is a program open for all qualified women students who are interested in computer sciences and like to pursue it as their career. Qualified students will receive a 5,000 EUR for two consecutive years for their undergraduate studies. Most importantly, they must be enrolled or intend to pursue their bachelor’s degree at a university in Ireland. Moreover, the rest of the application process is the same as above. Since the administrator is the Institute of International Education (IIE).

Google Lime Scholarship

google lime scholarships

Google Lime Scholarship is another remarkable scholarship program that aims to support disabled students studying in Canada and the United States. Lime Connect, a non-profit organization has been working with Google since 2008 providing scholarships for computer science students with disabilities. They are offering USD 10,000 to disabled students studying in the U.S. and USD 5000 to students studying in Canada. Candidates who have a strong academic background and passion for computer sciences will be preferred most.

Now, let’s look into the eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • A current graduate student enrolled in the US or Canadian university (international students studying in the US and Canada can also apply)
  • Students who intend to enroll in us or Canada university in the year 2024-25 academic year
  • Students pursuing computer science, computer engineering, or technical-related fields may apply
  • Applicants with strong academic performance
  • Students with visible or invisible disability
  • Applicants with a passion for computer science and technology and leadership qualities.

Application process

The application for the 2024 application cycle will open in Winter 2024. So, if you will be enrolled as a full-time student for the 2024-25 academic year, you may apply.

Log into Lime network—visit the jobs and program page—find the link to their online application system and provide the following information:

  • Personal information: contact, education, experience information
  • Resume/CV
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Three essays on computer science
  • One Letter of recommendation (professors, advisors, or supervisors)

Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship

Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship

Google Europe Students with Disabilities Scholarship is another scholarship program assisting disabled or neurodivergent students suffering from mental health or long-term health conditions. Google and EmployAbility are partnering this scholarship for European, UK, and Israeli students with disabilities with 7000 EUR for the academic year 2024-25.

Now, let’s look into the eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student in Europe or Israel university for the 2024-25 academic year.
  • Students pursuing computer science, computer engineering, informatics, or technical-related fields may apply
  • Strong academic performance
  • Students with disability, mental health, or long-term health condition
  • Applicants with a passion for computer science and technology and leadership qualities.

Application Process

The application for this year will be opening soon. To apply for their upcoming scholarship program, you need to complete an online application form through their official website and present the following information

  • Personal information: contact, education, experience information Resume/CV
  • Academic transcripts from current or prior institution
  • Three essays on computer science
  • One Letter of reference (professors, advisors, or supervisors)
  • One Letter of reference from the university
  • 3 Application questions 200-300 words each

Let’s look into the questions:

  1. Why did you first become interested in computer science?
  2. What area of computer science most interests you and what have you done to learn more about it and/or pursue this interest?
  3. What would you like to do with your knowledge of computer science after you have finished your undergraduate degree?

Once you have answered the above basic questions, then you will be directed to another set of questions focusing on a project you have previously worked on. The set of questions will be as follows:

  1. Briefly describe your project, including the problem your project or research was trying to solve? (100-150 words)
  2. Was this done as part of your university studies, an internship/work experience or was it a personal project?
  3. What was your solution for the problem your project or research was trying to solve? (100-150 words)
  4. What were the technical problems/ difficulties that you faced? (100-150 words)
  5. Was this a solo project or were you working as part of a group. If it was a group project, please state your personal involvement in the project. (50 words)
  6. Do you consider this project technically challenging, innovative, or both? Briefly explain why. (100-150 words)

Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship

Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship

Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship is another remarkable scholarship initiated by Google to serve the veterans of America. Student Veterans of America has partnered with Google and assists student veterans who are pursuing their degrees in the field of computer sciences with the award of $10,000 for the 2024-25 academic year. Google-SVA scholarship is for 8 candidates, so veterans who plan to apply for this scholarship must hold a tight grip. The application will open on January 30, 2024.

Now, let’s look into the eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be enrolled or intend to enroll as an undergraduate student for the 2024-25 academic year
  • Holds a strong academic performance
  • Must be a current student veteran
  • Received an honorable discharge or good standing in its branch service
  • Must pursue computer science, computer engineering, or a closely technical related field (software engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, information systems, information technology, applied networking, systems administration)

Application Process

Once the application opens on 30th January 2024, you will apply through their online application on the Student Veterans of America website. You will be requested to fill in the following information:

  • General personal information
  • Upload CV/Resume
  • Current university transcripts
  • Two reference letters from professors, advisor, or supervisor
  • DD-214 form
  • Responses to 3 essay questions, 500 words each

These are the 3 essay questions that are mentioned on Student Veterans of America’s website:

  1. Please give us one example of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain what you were trying to achieve, your role, how you influenced others, and the impact as a result of your actions. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an effect on the members of the different communities you are a part of. Keep in mind, that the example you choose does not need to be a formal or traditional leadership role.
  2. What is a significant challenge that impacts student veterans in the field of technology and what do you believe is the root cause of this challenge? What actions have you taken to address this challenge? Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales. Please focus at least half of your response on the actions you have taken.
  3. Describe any financial circumstances affecting your need for a scholarship. In your answer be sure to describe any obstacles you have overcome to get to where you are today. What goals will this scholarship enable you to accomplish?

Google Conference Scholarship

Google Conference scholarship (APAC) for Asian Pacific regions

Google Conference scholarship is another scholarship program for underrepresented groups in the tech industry and related fields. So, if are a full-time student enrolled in a recognized university and want to attend an international computer science research conference, then this is your ultimate goal.

Google Conference scholarship will assist you with your travel conference funds. Google is offering 3 Google Conference scholarships:

Google Conference scholarship (APAC) for Asian Pacific regions

Google Conference scholarship (Africa) for Worldwide

Google Conference scholarship (Africa) for Worldwide

Google Conference scholarship (America) for North American

Now, let’s look into the eligibility criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Fulltime students enrolled in a credentialed university
  • Paper accepted for full publication at a top prior computer science conference; workshop papers will not be entertained.
  • Paper should be full publication and full oral presentation. CVPR, NeurIPS, ICML, CHI, AAAI, STOC, PLDI, COLT, KDD, ICCV, EMNLP, WWW, ACL and FSE are approved travel scholarships.
  • Accepted paper should be of Primary author

Application Process

Complete the application form and submit it. Remember, they are offering three application forms for three locations; Australia and New Zealand, east Asia, India, and Southeast Asia. So, Pakistani students will apply through the India and Southeast Asia application form.


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