
Misk Global Forum 2023

Fostering Innovation and Growth in Saudi Arabia's Startup Community

by Dr. Isma Amin

The world is advancing tremendously, and to keep up with the fast paced world today’s youth needs opportunities and platforms to learn the skills that are required to thrive in the new environment and grow. Misk Global Forum 2023 is one such event that allows young entrepreneurs of Saudi Arabia to connect with global leaders and innovators in one platform.


Let’s unwind the intricacies of youth empowerment forum Misk Global Forum 2023 Saudi Arabia:

What is Misk Global Forum


Misk global Forum is an event taking place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that has been started by the Misk Foundation. This event has been put in place to give a platform to young entrepreneurs to gather in one place, connect with link-minded people, to exchange innovative ideas and acquire opportunities to grow.

When did the Misk Global Forum take place?


Misk Global Forum took place from November 15th -17th at Bujairi Terrace, Diriyah.It was a three day event that comprised of different activations which involved discussions and workshops for the young entrepreneurs and innovators.

What is Misk Foundation

Misk Foundation is a non-profit organization that is the brainchild of RH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz. It was started in 2011 to create a platform for the growth and development of entrepreneurship and leadership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What was the theme of the event?

act noww

This year around, Misk Foundation chose for the theme of the event to be about the youth of the Kingdom. It is called “The Big Now”, which is named after the idea that young individuals have the ability to thing beyond the confines and create ideas that have the possibility to change and shape the world.

think big

The purpose of this theme is to encourage the youth to think outside the box and develop ideas that are bigger than anything that has been put forth before. The second part of the theme is based on the idea that the future is now. The youth needs to put their big ideas to use and test now to create a long lasting impact on the world.

Where did the Misk event happen

The Misk Global Forum event took place in the region of Diriyah in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Bujairi Terrace was chosen as the location for the event as also provides captivating views of the World heritage site called At-Turaif.

Was the Misk event a success

MGF in numbers

The Misk Global Forum event had over 112 thousand attendees from around 130+ nationalities of the world. The event hosted more that 70 partners. More than 780 speakers shared their wisdom, insights and innovative ideas which helped create an environment of learning and growth.

What were the key components of the Misk Global Forum

Misk Global Forum was composed of activations which were the which were the key components of the event that involved world renowned speakers delivering speeches, stimulating discussions and collaborative workshops, all designed to help empower and educate the youth.

These activations were:

  • The stage
  • Leaders Diwan
  • The Majlis
  • Skills Dukkan
  • Wellness Waha
  • The Tank
  • The Classroom

The stage

the stage

This activation was designed to host discussions between the speakers and the attendees. The purpose of this platform was to allow the sharing of diverse and innovative ideas and induce a sense of urgency among the intellectual youth. This would help them get into the mindset of acting now and not later. The innovative ideas, the intellectual mindsets and the dreams are pointless if not put into creation.

Leaders Diwan


This part of the event was designed to bring the world renowned leaders and experts to one place to allow them to share their ideas with the masses. A Diwan is like a council where the leaders and the intellectuals with experience share their insights and wisdom and allow the enthusiast to ask questions to get the discussions flowing. The leaders are able to influence and impact the young minds and create an environment of growth.

The Majlis


The Majlis literally translates to a social gathering where the people of the same interests, ideas and intellect gather around to discuss and bring forth their ideas which ultimately result in fruitful conversations that influence everyone the room. Every person gets a chance to share their innovative ideas and participate in the discussions.

Skills Dukaan

skills dukaan

The event wasn’t only about discussions and conversations, it also involved extensive and interactive workshops to help people learn and grow. This conference was attended by partners and word-class companies who have been shaping the entrepreneur landscape for a long time. They hosted workshops to allow young people equip themselves with skill that would help them in bringing their ideas to life now and not later.

Wellness Waha


Intellectually testing and challenging discussions are sure to leave one mentally and physically exhausted. But this was dealt with quite efficiently in the Misk Global Forum. The event hosted Wellness Waha that comprised of exercises to help people mentally and physically. The meditation exercises were directed at helping people relax mentally because a sound mind is needed for brilliant ideas to be born.

The exercises were also able to provide the attendees with therapy sessions to help them relax physically and to teach them with ways to alleviate stress which affects the lives of youth and causes hindrance in their progress.

The classroom


The learning doesn’t end here. The Misk Global Forum also provided young minds with the opportunities to get to know and learn new technologies and advancements. The learning process was paced in such a way to cover as many innovations as possible at a pace everyone could keep up with. Overall, the entire event consisted of a multitude of learning opportunities for the youngsters.

Who were the renowned speakers of the event


Name Occupation
Chris Gardner Author and motivational speaker
Robert Herjavec Executive Producer and Star of ABC’s Shark Tank & CEO of Cyderes
Amrita Sethi NFT Digital Artist and Founder of The BYTE Academy
Omar Farooq Content creator and filmmaker
Hande Sadic Chief Product Officer of The Giving Movement
Muatasam Al-Aulaqi Co-founder of NomuHub
David Zuo Senior Product Manager – Epic Games
Reema Juffali Racing Driver and Founder of Theeba Motorsport

Who were the event partners

Following were the Misk Global Forum event partners:

Strategic partners

The strategic partners of the Misk Global Forum were:

strategic partners

Strategic Partners
Diriyan Gate Development Authority
Saudia Data and AI Authority
Ministry of sport

Misk Ecosystem

misk ecosystem

Following components of the Misk Ecosystem participated in the  Misk Global Forum:

Misk Ecosystem
Riyadh Schools
Misk Art Institute
Manga Productions
Mohammad Bin Salman City (non-Profit)
Misk Schools

Media Partners

media partners

The Media Partners of the Misk Global Event were as follows:

Media Partners
MBC Group – UAE. Saudi Arabia, UAE.

Knowledge partners

knowledge partners

The knowledge partners of the event participated and provided workshops to the candidates and are as follows:

Knowledge partners
Saudi Space agency
Sea Ventures
Dr Sulaiman Al habib medical group
National Geographic learning
Saudi Esports academy
Noor Riyadh
Kids MBA
Linked in
Inspirational development group
Plug and play
Tuwaiq academy
Steer Studio
Sigma Innovation Engine
Roland Berger
Draper University
Ban Ki-moon foundation
UNWTO world tourist organization
Bill and Melinda gates Foundation
International institute for higher education

in Latin America and the Caribbean

New York Film Academy

Is Misk Global Forum for Saudis only

The Misk Forum has been designed to bring innovation and entrepreneurial development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is an eligibility criterion to become a part of the event.

WhY should one join Misk

Misk Global Forum allows the young intellectual minds to with innovative business and startup ideas to engage in meaningful conversations and discussions. It allows them to acquire skills needed to help them bring their ideas to life and change their lives. Hence it is an event an aspiring enthusiast should definitely attend.

Was Misk Global Forum online

Misk Global forum was attended by candidates in person, but there was the opportunity for candidates living far away to attend the event online as well.

Do the candidates and volunteers have to attend the entire event

The candidates, once they register, have to attend the entire three days of the event. It is imperative for them.


Misk Global Forum was designed to help young minds gain an insight into the world of entrepreneurship and leadership by creating a platform that would connect them with world-renowned experts and leaders. It helped hundreds of youngsters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia share their innovative ideas and get their queries answered. Along with that, the skill labs and classrooms were designed to equip them with necessary skills that would help them bring ideas to life.

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