
How to Check Plagiarism Online through Software (Turnitin and Grammarly)

A Detailed Step by Step Guide

by Khurram Shahzad

Since the end of the past century, writers have been provided with many platforms and sources for publishing their data. In the past, writers had limited access to data publishing. The research was presented to seekers through books, journal articles, and newspapers. Before the internet, information was gathered by visiting libraries and searching for books and journals. It was a lengthy procedure. However, in current times, after the emergence of technology and the internet, data gathering is much easier as information is at the click of our hands.

Data theft was an issue when there was no software to detect it. If plagiarism was suspected at that time, the writers were asked about the details of the protection they were working on to ensure that the work belonged to them.

What is Plagiarism

Data theft can also be referred to as plagiarism. It is presented as the type of intellectual theft in which a person displays the ideas or work of other people as their own. It is done without the consent of the person who initially did the work. The full acknowledgement of the person is not attained. Under the definition of plagiarism, any data like a published, unpublished, manuscript, printed, electronic, etc., may include. Plagiarism can occur for several reasons; for instance, it can be done unintentionally or through planning. However, in all cases, whether intentional or unintentional, it is an offence.

In current times, the level of plagiarism is rising, specifically in the case of academic writing. A study presented a rise in plagiarism at the rate of 10% in around six countries. The main reason is the availability of a vast amount of data to people through Internet sources. People are now becoming less creative as they are bombarded with vast information. There are multiple reasons why people plagiarise. This can be lazy or ignorant, as some people are not even aware of the importance of this issue. Moreover, many publishing sources post plagiarized data allowing people to publish information that belongs to others.

Plagiarism Checking Tools

To solve this issue, many software is made for checking plagiarism on any piece of information or work. There are multiple plagiarism-checking tools available on the internet which are used by academic and non-academic scholars. In educational institutes, the use of plagiarism software is essential, and every file that is submitted by students is checked under this software. Through this, the level of data theft in the educational and non-educational sectors is decreased dramatically. The plagiarism-checking software scans the body of the text to check if there are any occurrences of plagiarism on the written document. Within no time, the report on the file is generated, which provides the percentage of the plagiarized data in the document. This software are both free and paid and varies in their quality. The best software is the one that ensures that there is no duplicate content in the file and if there is, it shows in the form of a percentage.

Free Plagiarism Checking Tools 2023

There is multiple plagiarism-detecting software such as Turnitin, Grammarly, Copyscape, DupliChecker, Copyleaks Plagiarism Checker, Check Plagiarism, PlagScan, Plagiarism Checker X, Quetext, etc. All the software has pros and cons based on their plagiarism checking efficiency and premium plans. Some of these are very costly and are not affordable for the writers. It creates a lot of issues for young writers and students as they cannot afford the monetary charges of the software.

The good thing is that many educational institutes give students access to these plagiarism checkers so that they can check the duplication levels of their files. Through this, the institutes try to increase the creative and writing abilities of the students.

Turnitin plagiarism checker free

Turnitin is considered the best software for checking plagiarism, and there are multiple reasons for it. Turnitin is a plagiarism checker and restrictive application. This software is available to the instructors within the WebCampus Assignments. For the students, their instructors develop the Assignment setup on Turnitin. They can post their written work to this Assignment setup on Turnitin. After posting the document, the software generates the similarity report that the instructors use to identify plagiarism.

On the other hand, this tool can also be applied to decrease plagiarism in academic writing and to guide students in learning the importance of academic integrity. Instructors can give students access to the Similarity Report, permitting them to revise their work and resubmit based on the similarity index shown in the report. Turnitin is a robust and efficient software that conveniently performs this procedure without any hassle.

It is also worthy of understanding how the Similarity Report on Turnitin works. Similarity Report compares the text posted by the writers with the search targets selected for the assignment (based on relevance). These targets may comprise billions of active and achieved internet information pages, journals, publications, a source of tens of thousands of periodicals, and a source of the work that was previously submitted by a student.

After this comparison, the similarity score is developed, which presents the percentage of contents of the paper that matches the databases of Turnitin. The details of the similarity and matching pieces of information are provided in the report. The best part is the report also provides the matching source from which the data was plagiarized.

Apart from benefits, there are a few limitations of Turnitin software. The software automatically detects plagiarism, and it is on the students and instructors to analyze the Similarity Report presented by Turnitin. Every site on the internet may not even be scanned for the identification of cheating. There is no guarantee that Similarity Report generated by Turnitin is clean and accurate. Another issue is paraphrasing which can change the wording of the original document; however, the organization of the source is contained. Turnitin is not able to detect the paraphrasing in the file. The correctly and improperly cited work is also not analyzed by the Similarity Report of Turning. If the data taken from the other source is cited correctly in a file, then there should be no plagiarism as the writer presented the original source. However, Turnitin sometimes overlooks the citations and quotes it as plagiarized work. Besides all odds, Turnitin is still among the best software used in educational institutes.

Grammarly. A plagiarism checking tool

Grammarly is another software that is not only used for checking plagiarism but also for checking grammar errors in writing. The software ensures the writing passes all content delivery and clarifies requirements before the final submission. It reshapes the document making it more accurate in terms of grammar.

How to check Plagiarism in word

Grammarly is not as good as Turnitin; however, both are similar in many ways with few differences. The software is mainly used for checking grammar, formality, and tone of the construction of sentences and words. The software provides a feature for checking plagiarism; nevertheless, it is unreliable compared to Turnitin. The reason for this is that it is not able to perform the comparison of the contents within different internet sources. Posting the same document on both Grammarly and Turnitin gives different results as tools on both software differ. The difference can be so huge that Grammarly may present 10% plagiarism while Turnitin may present a score of 100% on Similarity Report.

Unlike Turnitin, Grammarly shallow scans the sentences. On the other hand, Turnitin thoroughly studies every aspect, even the formulas, symbols, and characters of mathematics paper. There is something missing in Grammarly software that makes Turnitin a more valuable and powerful tool. Grammarly can detect plagiarism; however, the struggle can be seen in the heavily-edited texts. The software may have tools for finding the source from which the software is taken; however, the matching is done partially, not presenting the picture. Moreover, editing through Grammarly also increases the level of plagiarism in files.

How to check Plagiarism on Turnitin Youtube:


It can be concluded that checking plagiarism in files is a crucial part of academic and non-academic writing and research. Educational institutes must ensure that intellectual theft is not permitted to increase students’ creative skills. For this, plagiarism-checking software is the best option as it can help students attain more progressive writing.

Apart from this, public libraries also need to provide students with access to this software free of cost or at lower rates. This opportunity must be provided to the students who cannot afford the software. Through this, the students can recheck their work multiple times until it is plagiarism-free. It is the best way to decrease the theft rate in the academic world.

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