
Mastering the Art of Writing an Effective Interview Confirmation Email: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing an effective Interview confirmation email for Middle Eastern applicants

by Dr. Isma Amin

Applying for jobs doesn’t end with merely submitting a CV. Every interaction with the employer and the recruiting team is crucial from when a person applies for the job until getting selected.  The interview confirmation email is the candidate’s first professional interaction with the recruiter and therefore needs to be professional and planned out.

Let’s unfold the complexities of writing an effective Interview confirmation email for Middle Eastern applicants:

  • What is an Interview confirmation email
  • When to send the interview confirmation email
  • How to write an effective interview confirmation email
  • Tips for writing an effective interview confirmation email
  • Sample for writing video interview confirmation email
  • Sample for writing phone interview confirmation email
  • Sample for writing Interview confirmation email providing options to the recruiter

What is an Interview confirmation email

When an employer requests to meet with you for a job interview, you’ll receive an email asking you to confirm your interest and the time and location of the meeting. The email written in response to confirmation is called the Interview confirmation email.

The interview confirmation email is addressed to the hiring manager or the recruiter. It is an excellent way to keep track of all the essential details. It represents the professionalism and enthusiasm of the applicant for the position.

When to send the interview confirmation email

Once the applicant has scheduled the interview, they should send a confirmation email to the recruiter. The only exception is that the hiring manager informs you that they will send you the confirmation; in that case, the applicant should wait to receive the email from the other end.

After the confirmation email from the employer’s end, an email can be sent to ask for further details regarding the interview. However, if the applicant fails to receive the email at or after the quoted date, they should respond with a follow-up asking the recruiter to confirm.

How to write an effective interview confirmation email

The following are the things the applicant needs to keep in mind when writing an effective confirmation email to the recruiter:

Step 1. Subject line:

Subject lines are the first part of the email; therefore, they count as the first impression the person makes on the recruiter. It can send a message to the recruiter about how the applicant can introduce the business messages.

subject line

The subject line should be kept brief and concise. It should include all the basics, which include the main purpose, which is “Interview confirmation,” the title of the job the applicant I am applying for, and the applicant’s name.

One important tip for job applicants is to include their full name in the subject line of their email. This helps the recruiter easily find their email among the many others in their inbox and shows professionalism and attention to detail. So, take the extra time to include your full name in the subject line and make a great first impression.

Step 2. Greetings or salutation:

In particular, the email’s formality level can be gauged by its greeting line. You can tell a lot about a company’s level of formality from the tone of the email inviting you to an interview. It would be more difficult to judge the level of formality of the interview if you were contacted by phone. However, the company’s website and other published content might provide some insight into the company’s culture.

If you can access the recruiting manager’s email, take note of the greeting they used. Which of your names did they use to address you? While the traditional “Dear Mr./Ms./Mx.” could work in more formal settings, it could be overly formal in a short email. Therefore, “hello” is a better and safer bet. It’s contemporary and doesn’t come across too casual.

Step 3. Purpose of writing the email:

Introduce your purpose of writing after greeting the recruiting manager or other hiring team member with whom you’ve been in touch. Tell them that you are writing to confirm the interview. From the subject line, it should be quite clear what this email is about, but it’s both polite and good writing practice to elaborate at the outset.

For example:

I’m writing this email to confirm the details of my interview for the position of (the job description) at (the company name.

Step 4. A thank you

The applicant must show appreciation for the interview without appearing overly grateful. If one is responding to an email that praises their credentials, this is where one can make mention of that praise.

However, a simple “thank you” to the hiring manager for their time and consideration is usually sufficient. These sorts of phrases go beyond mere politeness. They serve as reminders to the hiring manager that you were one of the candidates handpicked by the recruiting team.

For example:

  • I’m very grateful for being provided the opportunity to discuss what I can do for you at the (job position).
  • Thank you for your appreciation and kind words regarding my resume. I’m early looking forward to discussing how I can use my experience and skills to benefit you and your company.
  • Thank you for selecting me for the position of (job description).

Step 5. Restating the time and place

It may seem like stating the obvious, but when confirming the interview, the applicant should provide the date, time, and location. (This is especially crucial if the interview occurs through video chat or a global conference call.) When the applicant follows up with the hiring manager to confirm the interview day and time, they can verify their schedule against yours to make sure you have the right information. The hiring manager has the chance to clarify any questions or concerns prior to the scheduled interview time.

Step 6. Questions about what you should bring

At a minimum, the applicant should bring five copies of their resume to an interview, and if there is more than one interviewer present, one should bring even more. The applicant should still have extra copies on hand, even if they know the recruiting manager already has one.

There could be people in the room who don’t have access to a copy or would prefer a paper copy for their records if the applicant brought one along. The applicant should show that they know proper interview etiquette by mentioning that they’ll have copies ready to go in their confirmation email. It’s a smooth transition into a more in-depth question on what else the interviewer is looking for in a candidate.

For example:

  • I will be there on August 23rd at 10 a.m. I will bring several copies of my resume along. Please let me know if there is anything else I should bring to the interview.

If the recruiter has already asked the applicant to bring something:

  • As requested, I will bring four copies of my resume, two copies of the reference letter, and my photo ID with me.

Step 7. Other questions the applicant may have

  • If the applicant has any questions about the interview’s logistics, the applicant should feel free to ask them in the confirmation email. They shouldn’t fret over whether or not their email will waste the recipient’s time. The recruiters will value the applicant’s preparation and interest in making sure they don’t run late for the interview because they got lost or forgot things.
  • The applicant should Visualize the interview day to help them prepare questions. Envision driving there, parking, entering the building, and introducing yourself to your interview contact. When you can’t think of something, ask yourself if there are other offices in the building. Find the correct one by making a list of questions to ask when searching.
  • If the interview is online, the applicant must ensure they have the videoconference or conference call link or ID if the interview will be conducted remotely. The applicant must verify if a password has been provided by the hiring manager or recruiter; if not, they may choose to request one.

Step 8. Sign off

This is another potentially nerve-wracking part of an interview confirmation email, along with the greeting. Can “Best” be too informal? Is “Sincerely” too stuffy? There are no strict regulations, but the interview invitation the applicant was extended remains an excellent starting point.

The applicant can also use “Best” if they did. Using “Sincerely” won’t make one seem overly formal if that’s what they like. If the applicant is still unsure, they can use a safe option like “Best regards” or “Kind regards.” This conclusion is popular among specialists since it conveys friendliness and may be used in formal and informal settings.

Step 9. Name and contact information of the applicant

Include your email address and phone number in your message signature whenever you communicate with a potential employer. Including any other means of contact you know the firm has is also appreciated. Include your Skype name in the signature if you know that’s what the recruiting staff wants to know. It demonstrates that you have listened and are eager to facilitate the team’s ability to get in touch with you.

Tips for writing an effective interview confirmation email

Following are some of the tips the recruiter could follow to write an effective confirmation email:

1.   Proofread

How you present yourself to potential employers is a major factor in whether or not you get employed. Sending a message devoid of typos and misspellings demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism to the recipient. Be sure to proofread any confirmations or other messages you send during the recruiting process.

2.   State in the email that you are looking forward to the interview

At the end of the email, express your excitement for the upcoming meeting. You might make yourself more enthusiastic about the position by saying that you look forward to the interview.

3.   Check the font

Always pick a legible and respectable typeface while applying for jobs online. For professional emails, Arial 12 point is a safe bet. Avoid using Comic Sans and similar fonts.

4.   Check the formatting

Do not use emphasis tools like bold, italics, color coding, or highlighting. While these may help to highlight the interview date and time, they are generally unnecessary and can come across as too casual. Don’t use emojis, especially if the business you’re applying to has a relaxed dress code.

5.   Don’t delay the response

The applicant shouldn’t delay the response and reply as soon as possible. The applicant must set a time and day for their availability and send the interview confirmation email to demonstrate professionalism and eagerness for the position.

6.   Availability

Suppose the recruiters have asked for availability instead of providing them with a limited time frame. In that case, the applicant must make themselves available on a time and day and should inform the recruiters.

Sample for writing an effective Interview confirmation email for Middle Eastern job applicants

Following is the sample to write an interview confirmation email

Subject: Interview Confirmation [Applicant’s Full Name] [Job position the applicant applied for]

Hello [Name],

I’m writing this email to confirm the details of my interview for the position of (the job description) at (the company name. I’m very grateful for being provided the opportunity to discuss what I can do for you at the (job position).

I will be there on August 23rd at 10 a.m. I will bring several copies of my resume along. Please let me know if there is anything else I should bring to the interview.


Thank you.



[Applicant’s Full Name]

[Applicant’s Phone Number]


Sample for writing interview confirmation email with no questions

sample with no question


Sample for writing interview confirmation email with a question

Sample for writing video interview confirmation email

Prompt for Writing interview confirmation emails

Here is a sample prompt for writing an effective interview confirmation email on Generative Ai Tools such as Chat GPT-3.5 or Quora Tool Poe.

Now act as Startups News Writer and write a confirmation email for the interview being scheduled by your new recruiter: Tech In Gulf LLC, Dubai UAE for the job of Startup News Writer on coming Friday, August 20th, 2023

Here is Chat GPT  Interview confirmation email:

Subject: Confirmation of Interview – Startup News Writer Position

Dear , Tech in Gulf 

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to confirm my availability for the interview scheduled for the Startup News Writer position at Tech In Gulf LLC on Friday, August 20th, 2023.

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss my passion for startups and my writing skills. I am excited about the possibility of joining your team and contributing to the growth of Tech In Gulf LLC.

Please let me know if there is anything specific I should prepare for the interview. I am looking forward to the conversation and the chance to learn more about the role and the company.

Thank you again for considering my application. I am eager to meet you and the team on Friday. If there are any changes or updates to the interview schedule, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Best regards,

Phone: +971-12234578
Email: abdul@gmail.com

Sample for writing phone interview confirmation email

phone interview confirmation email

Sample for writing Interview confirmation email providing options to the recruiter

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Final Thoughts

Hearing back from the company you’ve applied for is one of the most exciting moments of the job application process. However, the process is intricate, and one should take all the possible measures to put the best foot forward from the beginning. The interview confirmation email is the first message the recruiter receives from the applicant. Therefore, it needs to be crafted intricately and professionally in a way that reflects the eagerness and enthusiasm of the applicant.


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